Here are a list of events I want to attend this year and what I would like to have accomplished by that event.
A Market Day at Birka, Jan 26-28 - Barony of Stonemarche, East Kingdom (NH)
I have been sponsored to attend Birka as one of HRH Una's dedicated ladies in waiting! I am really excited not only because I have always wanted to attend Birka but because this is my very first East Kingdom event!
Tournament of Ymir, Feb 23-25 - Barony of Windmasters Hill (NC)
My household is attending this event together. We went last year as well and it was unseasonably warm. I would like to have my commission for Lord Pietro finished by this event.
Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival, March 3 - Barony of Stierbach (VA)
I am attending this with either my Laurel or my Baroness. It's so close by (an hour or so drive) that it's almost impossible not to attend! I have always wanted to go to KASF but the first time I was in England and the second time it was in SC, aka too far for me to travel. I will probably retain for HRH Una again at this event, since she has never judged A&S before and I think I could be helpful to her. I would like to have my new hood and documentation finished by this event so I could display.
Coronation of Dietrich and Una, April 6-8 - Barony of Windmaster's Hill (NC)
Haven't decided with whom I will be attending this event, but I am definitely going. I am really excited to support my friends as they step up as King and Queen of Atlantia! I would like to have some Middle Eastern garb finished in time for this event since HRH want to do a Middle Eastern theme for their reign.
Revenge of the Stitch, April 27-29 - Spiaggia Levantina (MD)
This is sort of a wishlist event for me. I have been asked to be a part of a team by Lady Syele von Dampach to create a suit of garb over the weekend. The plan is to make a really lovely German outfit. I would have to get the Friday off work, however, to get allllll the way up north.
Ruby Joust, May 25-28 - Barony of Caer Mear (VA)
I think technically this event may be taking place in Tir-y-Don, but whatever, its our event! I will be on staff at this event as MoAS. I will be stepping up as Barony MoAS soon and this will be my first event running the A&S displays and contests and coordinating all of that. I would like to have a new Gothic Fitted Gown finished by then since I have the blue one already cut out and partially sewn together, but I also have to help create the site tokens and I would like to have work done on my "boy's clothes" as well...but more on that later!
Summer University, June 16 - Barony of Black Diamond (VA)
University is the best event hands down. I love showing up and learning new things. I would like to have one of the outfits I did not finish in time for Ruby done in time to wear to this event and I would like to teach a class on my square hood and reprise my 14th century hair course- which will be much improved now that I have a better grasp on class size and timing!
Pennsic XLVII, War Week (Aug 3-12) - Aethelmarc (PA)
Obviously Pennsic is one of the highlights of a SCAdian's year. It would be amazing if I could teach a class at Pennsic University and to do waterbearing during the big field battle! I would like to have boy's clothes and more Middle Eastern clothing ready for this event. I also need to get a second job to help pay for the trip! It would be very awesome to be able to take my own vehicle up to the event this year.
Fall University, Sept 15
Fall Coronation, Oct 6
The locations of these events are not announced yet. I would like to go to either or both but it depends on the location. Again, I would like to teach at least one class at University and have at least one item of new garb (even an accessory, since I want to do an embroidery piece sometime this year as well).
War of the Wings, Oct 19-21 - Barony of Sacred Stone (NC)
I didn't get to hit this event last year and it was a huge bummer. This was my first camping event many years ago and it holds a special place in my heart.
Fall Crown, Nov 3
See above...location isn't listed yet so I am not sure if I will attend. The local group has discussed putting in a bid so I may well wind up assisting.
Holiday Faire, Nov 17 - Barony of Stierbach (VA)
This is another event I really like that I hit up every year. Hopefully I will have some disposable income by then because there are always lovely lovely things that I NEED at this event.
Unevent, Dec 1
Another event with no location listed, but an event that as a Baronial officer I will be required to attend. I would like to have a project ready to take along to this event: handsewing or embroidery.
Looks like a good year to me! Can't wait to get out there!
So many wonderful events, it sounds fun!