Friday, August 16, 2019

SCA Curriculum Vitae

A brief CV/resume of my SCA accomplishments, to be updated as they occur.

Assistant A+S Competition/Display Coordinator - Ruby Joust V - May 2016
Chatelaine/Newcomer's Point - Caer Mear Midsummer Fair - June 2017
A+S Competition/Display Coordinator - Ruby Joust VII - May 2018
Assistant Head Retainer for Dietrich II + Una I - Pennsic War - August 2018
A+S Competition/Display Coordinator - Caer Mear Yule - December 2018
A+S Competition/Display Coordinator - Ruby Joust VIII - May 2019
A+S Competition/Display Coordinator - 100th Monthly Cross + Lily Tournament - August 2019
A+S Consultant and Judge - Rip Rap War - September 2019
A+S Competition/Display Coordinator - Caer Mear Yule - December 2019
A+S Competition/Display Coordinator - Caer Mear Baronial Birthday - March 2020 (cancelled due to COVID)
A+S Competition/Display Coordinator - Ruby Joust VIV - May 2020 (cancelled due to COVID)

Deputy Chatelaine - Barony of Caer Mear - ___ to Fall 2017
Baronial Minister of Arts and Sciences - Barony of Caer Mear - Fall 2017 to current
Caer Mear Baronial A+S Champion - May 2019 to March 2021
Northern Regional Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences - January 2020 to current

How to Make Tassels - Caer Mear Baronial Meeting - June 2016
Braided Hairstyles of the 14th Century - Fall University 2017
It's All Good In The Hood: Drafting a 14th Century Closed Hood - Summer University 2019
Quick and Dirty Roman Garb - Caer Mear Baronial Meeting - June 2019 (with Ginevra Fiammetta di Silvestri)
It's All Good In The Hood - Caer Mear Baronial Meeting - August 2019
It's All Good In The Hood - Winter University - February 2020
Fantastic Hoods and Who Would Wear Them - (in the works)

Award of Arms - Storvik Novice - 7/9/2016
Court Baroness - Ruby Joust VI - 5/27/2017
Grant of Arms - Ruby Joust VI - 5/27/2017
Augmentation of Arms (golden scissors) - Ruby Joust VI - 5/27/2017
Companion of La Bris de Mer (Caer Mear) - Yule - 12/9/2017
Companion of the Coral Branch - Ruby Joust VII - 5/26/2018
Award of the Fountain - Pennsic XLVII - 8/7/2018
Companion of the Order of the Pearl - KASF (virtual) - 3/6/2021

Eadyth Woderose in Atlantian Order of Precedence

Monday, June 17, 2019

It's All Good In The Hood: Drafting a 14th Century Closed Hood (Summer University 2019)

If you know me, you probably know I love hoods. They're probably my favorite thing to make and one of the most useful articles of clothing you can own in the SCA.

Before my first event way back when, I stayed up til 4am making myself a dress. I took along a Skoldehjamn hood I had made at one of the baronial meetings just in case, even though I thought that with the extra fabric I would be hot. I genuinely could not think of a reason to wear that thing. At the event, I wore it all day. A single layer of linen kept the sun off my face and didn't make me too overheated. I was a hood convert.

The very next thing I made was a fully handsewn hood based on the pattern by Katafalk. It was meant to have buttons but never quite ended up with them...even so, it sent me down a rabbit hole of creating hoods of all sorts.

Fast forward to last weekend at Juniversity: I taught a class on how to draft and put together a hood based on your own personal measurements. I had friends with smaller heads and with larger heads who weren't able to fit into "off the rack" hoods or hood patterns and it was their problem that inspired me to create this class, because, honestly, everyone needs a hood.

My basic pattern

Handout Link: It's All Good In The Hood: Drafting a 14th Century Closed Hood

Above is linked the PDF of my class handout. It has diagrams and instructions to create a basic 14th century hood that pulls on over the head, with or without a liripipe. I included bonus tips on how to
"raise the level" of your hood by cutting dags, adding a button closure, or embroidering an historically correct design on it. I would like to have a step by step guide with either photos or illustrations demonstrating how exactly to draft the pattern and to assemble the hood, but that is for another day.

Please enjoy the pattern and handout and let me know if you have any questions. I am very happy to give advice or insight! Feel free to contact me via my email!